Global Public School – CBSE

Extraordinary beginnings
This is where a successful education begins.

About Us

Extraordinary beginnings
Welcome to The Kindergartens

Global 2.0 embraces the core principles of 21st-century learning, presenting two distinctive curriculum options: Montessori tailored for KG and lower elementary students, and CBSE for higher elementary and higher secondary students. Our campus is a haven where each student is nurtured within a learner-centered, inclusive approach, designed to support their aspirations while challenging assumptions.

We foster an environment where students are educated and inspired to contribute meaningfully to personal and societal causes. Through hands-on experiences such as fieldwork, projects, community engagement, internships, and industry interactions, students connect their studies to the real world they inhabit. Our facilities are collaborative workspaces featuring small-group learning areas, project zones, cutting-edge technology, and communal spaces that showcase the tangible outcomes of student creativity.


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At Global 2.0, we adopt a holistic approach, integrating the mind-body-spirit or head-heart-hands philosophy into all facets of learning. This approach ensures that education is not only individually meaningful but also enduring, leaving a lasting impact on students’ lives.